What maketh a man? Manners or leather? Sure, manners are crucial, but what’s more impressive? Spending three hours handcrafting and stitching your own leather product or pulling out a chair for the lady?
Okay seriously, if you’re as much a fan of leather products or into crafts as we are, you’ll love what we’re bringing you today. With the recent swing towards handcrafted artisanal goods, we’ve had the privilege of getting our hands dirty with Maketh Project by attending one of its leather crafting workshops.
Maketh Project is the brain child of three friends Adlina Adil, Addynna Azlinor and Rozeryna Rothma, who share the love of leather crafting. Located on the second level of a shophouse, the unmistakable whiff of leather and hammering sounds echoing throughout the studio will have you feeling like a craftsman in no time.

For this workshop, we’ve chosen to craft a key holder and have informed Maketh of the chosen design in advance. For potential leather crafters, your first task after confirming your design will be to choose the type of leather. If you’re as anal particular as we are, expect to spend a fair amount of time going through the selection. We recommend taking your time to make the decision because well, it is your product!

After a quick introduction, we were shown a short demonstration on leather cutting and were just a teeny bit terrified after knowing how we could cause irreparable damage to our products. Funny story, almost immediately after the demonstration, we’d accidentally sliced through the leather meant for the key holder’s strap. Heh.
But worry not, because the friendly leather crafters of Maketh will be there to guide and assist you! We swear cutting in a straight line is tougher than it looks. Much kudos to Addynna who stuck with us throughout our mini panic-attacks!

Following this, we were told to glue the two leather pieces together before punching holes in the almost finished product. After meticulously marking out the holes, we proceeded to preform the task with our hearts in our mouths. One uneven punch is all it takes to ruin all your previous work so y’know, no pressure here.

The stitching was up next and after choosing the color of thread we wanted, we were all set to complete our key holder! After completing the stitch, we had Addynna put on some finishing touches and we were done! We think it looks great so it doesn’t matter if you think the button is slightly off center. It’s not.
We must say, despite the self-imposed pressure to perfect our product, the experience of crafting a leather good we can call our own is nothing less than fun. The level of satisfaction is pretty insane and we can’t help showing our handcrafted key holder to our friends. We cut and sew one hor.
Itching to craft a product of your own? Here’s some good news; Discover SG, together with Maketh Project, are delighted to offer one lucky reader a
That’s right, here’s your chance to experience the joy of crafting your own product. You get to choose from a range of small leather crafts – a cardholder, key pouch, coin pouch, or a braided bracelet!

How to win:
Simply comment on our facebook post with which leather product above you’d like to craft – card holder, key holder, coin pouch or braided bracelet (not pictured). Proceed to LIKE and SHARE the post and you’ll be good to go! The reader with the craftiest answer will walk away with a free pass to Maketh’s leather-crafting workshop. Winner will informed through Facebook.
The giveaway will end on 2359 26th April 2016. So what are you waiting for? Comment and stand a chance to win the opportunity to be a craftsman for a day now!
Brought to you by Discover SG x Maketh Project
Maketh Project
Address: 751 North Bridge Rd #02-02
Contact: [email protected]
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