Be it espresso, cappuccino or latte; as long as it’s coffee, it’ll get you through the day. Noticed how the above selection is listed in a specific order? If you’ve no idea what we’re talking about, it’s best you take your leave. We kid.
Basically heaven in a mug, we can’t remember a time when coffee wasn’t a part of our lives. To celebrate our love for the beverage, we’ve come up with a list of things only a coffee addict lover can relate to. FYI, it is not just a beverage to keep us awake in the mornings (though it helps).
1. Waking Up to the Smell of Coffee

Ahh yes, nothing satisfies you more than waking up to its delicious aroma. Forget the alarm clock, as soon as the smell starts wafting in, you’ll be up in no time.
2. Life Begins Only After Coffee

Seriously, why do people even try talking to you before you’ve had your morning cup? Do they not understand your inability to function as a human being before that?
3. Having A Coffee-Bathroom Schedule

You know how it uh, tends to speed things up in the bowel department? Let’s just say that having the ability to predict your bathroom habits (especially in the mornings) is a very useful skill.
4. Knowing the Difference Between A Macchiato and A Mochaccino

Not to be a snob, but it’s important to know the different types of coffee so you can choose what suits you best at that time. Need an instant perk-me-up? An espresso will do the trick. In need of a dessert? An affogato will do more than satisfy.
5. Not Understanding People Who Don’t Like Coffee

Ever. How can people not like it? It just doesn’t make any sense. Oh well, that’s more coffee for me then.
6. Decaf Is An Abomination

Why even bother drinking coffee then? If there’s any lesson to learn here, it’s to not trust anybody who drinks decaf.
7. Developing A Caffeine Immunity

Face it, the caffeine barely works on you anymore. The bad news is you’ll probably need more than just a cup in the morning. The good news? Before-sleep coffees are now officially a thing. How great is that?
8. Bad Coffee Is Better Than None

You know how sometimes you’re ordering your meal and the cashier informs you of the faulty coffee machine? Or when you’re at a hawker centre and the uncle says he has only 3-in-1? Regardless of the situation, you’ll do anything to get your hands on your cuppa. Whether it is buying one from the café next door or taking the instant coffee, bad coffee is better than no coffee.
9. Being Warned Of Your Coffee Intake

“Aiyoh, how many cups have you drank?”
“Yah lor, don’t drink so much lah.”
And these are just some of the things you’ve heard from your non-understanding, non coffee addict, but nonetheless caring friends.
10. There’s. Never. Too. Much. Coffee

If you’ve been nodding to three or more of the above, you may love it just a little too much. Well as long as you’re not drinking eight cups a day every single day, we say there is nothing wrong with y’know, having a strong appreciation for this beverage.
Long live coffee.
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Also, read Attention Coffee Lovers: Here’s Your Chance To Savour 30 Cups Of Coffee At Only $30!