Have you ever tried to google yourself? Just to see what Google says about you? Or to check up on what people who share your name are up to all over the world?
Well today, we’re googling Singaporeans, on behalf of Singaporeans. Because self-awareness is important.
So, let’s dive in and see what Google thinks about Singaporeans!
Google Says:

Okay, right off the bat, the search suggestions are already negative. That’s encouraging.
To be fair, we do walk really fast. Look at our public transport crowds during peak hours, speeding up and down escalators with such nimbleness.
I realise that I developed a fast-walking habit which is really prominent when I go on holidays. It gets so bad to the point where my mother thinks that I’m embarrassed to walk with her.
Truth is, I just find it really hard to slow down because I only have 1 speed setting. Sorry Mummy.

Things got deep for a second there. Are we truly happy? Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Philosophy aside, Singapore is considered the most expensive city to live in, so we have some of the richest people in the world living here, though I wouldn’t really say that most of us are rich.
Are Singaporeans racist? Racial Harmony is important and friendship is nice. Peace, Love and Vegetables.

Why would you want to vote in the UK elections if you’re Singaporeans? Who’s actually googling these things? I am perplexed. Also, no, Singaporeans don’t speak a single word of English. Clearly.

Honestly, if you want to migrate or study overseas, just do it. Live your dreams.
Personally, I feel that Singlish isn’t something to be proud of. It’s great for casual conversations and daily interactions but not for official business. But that’s just me.

All I can say to the suggestions above is, YES. We like all of the above. Convenience is understood because everyone is innately lazy. Freebies and queueing go hand-in-hand because we queue for freebies. We’re very hardworking when it comes to freebies. Free Castella cakes, for example.

Google seems to have painted a rather distinct image of Singaporeans. We’re somewhat unhappy, speak English and Singlish, like to queue, like free things, and like convenience. Sounds like a typical city dweller to me.
This has been incredibly enlightening. I’m glad I know how to be a proper Singaporean now.
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