This has been quite a year for the world. For Singapore. Trains broke down, Presidents took office, and students flashed the middle finger on national television.
Oh, and the nation gushed over a 50 year old man.
But that’s not all that happened. We’ve rounded up the most Singaporean things that made our 2017.
Singapore’s 2017 In A Nutshell
1. Racial Harmony Exemplified
In January, there was a Malay wedding that was in the vicinity of the path of an ongoing funeral procession and the guests at the Malay wedding stood still out of respect for the procession.

If that isn’t the most textbook representation of our racial harmony, we don’t know what is.
2. Uber Brings People Together
Singapore is a small country. The fact that we have so many people condensed into a small space, forces us to interact with strangers in various situations.

And in this cluster of people, 2 strangers managed to find love in an Uber. A part-time UberPool driver picked up an Air Stewardess while he was working, where they had a casual conversation about her occupation.
Following that encounter, he found her again through the power of social media and now they’re attached. Sometimes, love happens where and when you least expect it.
3. NSF Is STOMPed For The Right Reasons
NSFs receive a lot of flak from the public. Most of the time because they’re sitting on seats in the MRT. It got so bad to the point where commanders were actively telling their recruits NOT to sit when they’re taking public transport.
But that’s not what this NSF was STOMPed for. In March this year, this NSF was seen sheltering an elderly lady in a wheelchair at Pasir Laba Camp.
Is that not the sweetest gesture ever? It’s very heart-warming to see such scenarios.
4. Cow In Yishun
Given how urbanised Singapore is, we don’t see farm animals around housing estates at all (not anymore, that is).
Then there’s this cow in Yishun. No we’re talking about a mean lady. We’re talking about a literal cow. The kind that goes “Moo” and is stereotypically white with black patches (or black with white patches).

This cow was seen being led into a lift at a HDB estate and citizens were confused. “He really needs a lot of milk ah?” No. Turns out, it’s part of a Hindu tradition where a cow is brought into the home to bless the house before the owners move in.
And before you ask, yes, there are licenses required to loan a cow for such occasions. Typical Singapore. Everything needs to be in “black and white”.
5. Lady Driver VS. NSFs Booking Out
Do you have your calming tea? Good, take a swig because you’re going to need it.
So back in May, a lady driver took to the internet to voice her disdain for the jam at the White Sands area caused by parents picking up their sons during book out.

Naturally, the Internet replied. The general response to the post was outrage at her inconsideration for NSFs who have been in Tekong for the entire week, and their eager parents who have been waiting to see their children.
NSFs fight to protect the nation, but sometimes, the nation fights for them too.
6. Parent VS. School (Confiscated Phone Edition)
In June, a kid got his phone confiscated because school rules are an actual thing in this society. The phone was to be held by the school for 3 months, as per school rules.
However, the parent of the child decides to ask for the phone because “the phone is technically mine and not my son’s”. School refuses and parent sues.

Long story short, the court denies the return of the phone to the parent.
The moral of the story here, is that privilege will not save you from rule-breaking.
7. The Man Who Drank The Elixir Of Life
In July, the nation was shook by the sudden discovery of the Man Who Never Ages.
Yes we’re talking about ChuanDo Tan. The 50 year old that looks way younger than his age allows.

The former model-turned-photographer’s secret to staying young and buff AF, is working out religiously.
Not forgetting really good genes too.
We’ve never seen the nation come together for something positive, since National Day 2016.
8. The Kid Who Flipped The Nation Off
National Day this year was brilliant, as usual. But the icing on the cake wasn’t the fireworks.
It came at the end of the live broadcast of the National Day Parade.
A student from Henry Park Primary School (bless his heart) was seen flashing his middle finger at the camera at the end of the parade, when the performers were gathered for the finale.

The nation gasped, processed what happened, and laughed. Well, most of us laughed anyway. Parents were shaking their heads and teachers were scrambling to find the boy.
Long story short, he was found, reprimanded and counselled. But it was still a good laugh.
9. A New President
In September this year, there was a lot of controversy regarding the reserved election, but eventually the nation moved on and a new President was elected.

Mdm Halimah Yacob, previously the MP of Jurong GRC, is Singapore’ first female President. She was declared President-elect on 13 September this year and inaugurated the day after.
10. Flowers For Patients
In November, volunteers at BloomBack, a social enterprise, recycled wedding flowers and turned them into 300 bouquets that were handed out to patients at St. Andrew’s Community Hospital, Banyan Home, and the Salvation Army.

The flowers, worth more than $10,000, were collected from a wedding dinner the night before. Not wanting the fresh flowers to be tossed in the bin, BloomBack decided to give these flowers a new purpose.
Sometimes, small gestures can really make one’s day.
Also read Here Are All The Concerts To Look Forward To In 2018 So Far