If you are one of those who shake your head in disapproval when you see parents letting their children entertain themselves with iPad and iPhones, you’d also probably reminisce about your fun-filled, iPad-less childhood and say “Aiyo, kids these days.”
The 90s generation is probably the coolest generation (IMO as a 90s kid and I’m sure you would agree if you are one). We spent our childhood days equally running outdoors playing catching and playing on our gameboys which means we had the best of both worlds. Plus, we got to witness the growth of technology.

So let’s start reminiscing the good old days together!

Those were the days where almost everyone had a Beyblade, even girls! And I remember the ripoffs were sold everywhere, so there was no excuse not to have one. This spinning top toy was popularized by the Beyblade anime series and there were mini arenas for competitions as well.
One does not say no to an impromptu Beyblade Showdown.
2. Tamagotchi
I remember I used to get so depressed when my Tamagotchi pet died, then I would start blaming myself for not caring for it enough. Since my parents did not allow me to get a puppy when I was younger, my Tamagotchi was basically my baby.
It sure did teach us a bit about responsibility.

3. Hot wheels & Tamiya

This was one of the coolest toys you could have then!
With their sophisticated yet super cool race tracks, we could compete each other and our eyes would be glued to our cars the whole time!

We don’t know about you, but Tamiya cars were our very first cars. We remembered spending countless of hours making our cars from the kits. Then, testing and playing those cars at the void deck or tamiya tracks in the neighbourhood. There was also the regular maintenance (lubricating) and upgrading of car parts.

We surely missed those days, including those when we were shouted at for playing at home, and spoiling all the furniture legs when our tamiya cars crashed into them!
4. Gameboy
Oh boy, don’t we all love playing the Gameboy?
Seriously though, this was practically the iPad of our generation with so many games we can choose from with the different game cartridges.
Needless to say, Pokemon, Tetris and Super Mario were our all-time favorites!

5. Jenga

This is a heart-stopping game that requires much strategic planning through careful situation analysis.
We all remember that moment when the tower is unstable and it’s gonna be our turn next and we nervous as hell.

6. Yoyo
The Yoyo has been around for a long time but it was popularised again in the 90s with many cool tricks with fancy names like “Walk the dog” and whatnot.

How? I could barely play with the yoyo properly.

7. Brick Game

Something like the Gameboy but I remember only mainly playing Tetris on it!
Also, what amuses me is that it says “Huge LCD” on the console itself.
8. Card games

These games were so simple unlike many of the card games these days, yet it guaranteed so many hours of fun!
Remember that face you tried to keep when you got the “Old Maid” card.

9. Bubble Balloon
The ever-present competitive streak in us always led to us competing over who could blow the largest bubble balloon.

But everytime they are about to burst we go OH SHIT.

10. Pick Up Sticks
This game taught us to be the careful people that we are now. And that life rewards all those who are patient and careful.

11. Pokemon Cards
Gotta catch ’em all!

We all knew some Pokemon masters in our lives, don’t we?
12. Twister

Twisting our bodies in different ways we never knew could be twisted and then screaming at the gamemaster to hurry up.

If you remember playing all these, I’m sure there is this wave of nostalgia that you would have felt after reading this article. There were so many simple games that used to entertain us for hours and hours and nope, none of it ever revolved around an iPad, which shows that fun can come in all forms with just a bit of imagination.
Let us know in the comments if we missed anything! 🙂