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It often happens that you love a person so much you cannot even explain it with words. In such a case, a song comes to help. Even if you are not a musician, writing about such an unconditional feeling will be easy for you, provided your emotions are genuine. And using our instructions, writing a song to tell somebody you are in love with them will be even easier.

  • Text Creation

Tell everything you feel about your love. Before turning your feelings into verse and music, you will want to express yourself without limitation of rhyme and rhythm. To do this, describe the person you love, what you feel about it, and how you are together.

You can describe physical features, including how they look, move, what they are like – everything that describes their physical side.

Also, describe the emotional features. This person is brave, frank, or perhaps silent and thoughtful. Write down everything that describes personal traits.

Writing a song is a perfect gift! Especially when you met a girl at or other dating site, and it will be your first meeting in real life. Because girls value such presents more than material things.

  • Add the metaphors

That’s where your creative abilities turn out. Decorate your love story by describing it very fancifully. For example, in particular, you a person because she/he has a nice smell, which is cute but not a winning direction in writing the song! Instead, you can write that they are like a flower field in a warm, fragrant night.

Work with all your writing, adding as many metaphors as you can. Some of them may turn out to be refined masterpieces. At this stage, the goal is simply to find out what you can say about your love.

  • Find your style

Once you have finished the story and got a clear idea of ​​both the object of passion and how to describe them, you can begin to understand what your song will be like. To give poetry a certain shape, create a common image for the whole text.

Using the above example, you can take the garden as a general image. You already have flowers there. You can use bees, butterflies, or other elements of the garden to write the lyrics.

  • Find the rhyme

First, you should create a list you want to implement into your song, choosing from those that are in the style you will use. For the words within the created image frame, use the dictionary and find the best word to rhyme.

If you find it hard to rhyme your thoughts, try expressing them in the form of a free rhyme, but in this case, strictly follow the rhythm. Otherwise, your song will be not melodic but deprived of any sense. A white verse sounds like a monolog and can be really intimate; it touches the heart if written sincerely. In this case, there will be more room for creativity too.

  • Identify the main line of your song

Now that you already have a notion of how you are going to make out the nature of your love, determine what you want to say and how you want to say it. The standard format of songs about love is a verse, a couplet, a chorus, a couplet, a chorus.

Each verse says something new about the subject of your love, and the chorus connects it all together. Make an outline of what you would like to write in each part.

For example, in the first verse, you can tell how you see your love, in the second verse, show what you feel about the person you are writing to, and in the third – how you see your common future.

In the chorus, you can write the next: try switching everything into the garden where your love grows or sing that all these things turn into nothing outside the garden of your imagination. All this can be developed from the story you created! Think about the concept and make your song deep in meaning.

  • The music for the text

Before putting words into music, you have to define the main line of the melody. In the process of writing, it will occur many times spontaneously. If so, consider yoursef lucky! However, there will be moments when the muse will leave you, and you will have to create a melody yourself.

Turn on the recording device. Using poems as a measure of the tact; sing melodies that come to mind. If you want, you can use the already written text, or you can do as many artists – sing meaningless sounds, just to get an idea of ​​the melodies.

Listen to what you have recorded. Take a paper and a pen, sit down, and listen to what you recorded. Some moments can excite you, and some seem boring. Pay attention to those that are the catchiest and use them to develop the melody.

When composing music, play it on your guitar or piano. If you, like many, do not have a trained voice, playing your melody on a guitar or piano will greatly help you focus on the song. And if you are just an amateur, use a computer program or an app for writing music.

  • Add the euphony

When creating a melody, you meant the harmony that you would use. You can also start with a harmonious structure and develop a melody based on chords and not vice versa. You can even create text after you have created a musical foundation. For some, this approach is easier. If one way does not work for you, try the other one.

  • Connect everything and add final touches

When you already have the words, melody, and harmony, practice as many times as possible! Using a special device or app on your phone, record a few variations of your song and get back to them later with a fresh mind. On the next day, listen to everything you recorded, select the best parts of each record, and use them to improve the final song.

Repeat this process until you are satisfied with the sound of your masterpiece. When you’re done, go to your love and sing your song!

  • Final advice

– Do not be afraid to tell you what you really feel.

– Write what you really feel to the person.

– Make sure the song goes out of your heart when you write and sing.

– Even if it’s love, or you’re already in a relationship with this person, so do not be afraid to open your feelings.

– The more you write, the better it will go.

– Think about how you treat this person so that the song sounds better.

– Put emotions in your verses and make them sincere.

– Have fun and do not let the side distractions become an obstacle to your creativity.

– Do not overuse the word “love!” Try to tell about your feelings without words such as “love,” “bunny,” and other banal phrases.

– Power Tab, Guitar Pro, GarageBand, and other music recording programs are great for writing songs.

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