In this article

Chinese New Year is just around the corner and you know what that means – home visits, lots of red packets and even more food! If you’re seeing someone, CNY will also probably be the time that you visit your significant other’s parents. Don’t get the jitters because we’ve got 6 great ways to impress the future in-laws this Lunar New Year.

1) Wear Red To Impress

Okay, this one is easy.

Red, red, and MORE red right? Duh.

Image Credits: Instagram Amerbeverly

It’s a sure win colour. You’ll definitely be well-received if you look like a red ang pao walking through their doors bringing good luck to their family.

2) Bring A Gift

Bring a pair of Mandarin Oranges. That will be obviously expected of you.

Image Credits: Singapore Florist

If you want to make a super impression, bring awesome gifts or food, like…

a Golden Pineapple Cake


a huge Huat Tart

(both from Goodwood Park Hotel)

or a Yu Sheng, so you can Lou Hei together!

Peach Blossoms Yu Sheng

We bet they’ll love you after this.

3) Offer To Help

There’s always so much to do and so little help during Chinese New Year.

If your partner’s family is hosting a huge gathering, offer to take out the trash, serve food to relatives, and look useful all the time.

You’ll get compliments in no time!

If you’re invited for an exclusive meeting (just your partner’s immediate family), volunteer to help in other ways – scoop the rice, wash the dishes, and be gentlemanly. You’ll ace the meeting, we promise.

4) Know The Taboos And Superstitions And Avoid Them

We know – there are just SO many Chinese taboos to avoid!

No washing your hair because you’re washing away your good luck, no sweeping the floor because you’re sweeping away your family’s good luck, and the list goes on…

Image Credits: An American Girl in Shanghai

These superstitions are amusing but let’s not take any chances with the future in-laws.

The most applicable taboo this Chinese New Year will probably revolve around meal times.

Well, we all know not to stick our chopsticks in rice because it resembles offerings. But did you know that while eating fish, you should not break any of the fish bones?

There are so many taboos and superstitions, it’s best to check with your other half, so you know what matters to their family.

5) Get Ready To Talk & Interact

We’ll let you in on a secret.

Everyone’s favourite topic is themselves.

Image Credits: Dreamtime

So, get rid of all those awkward moments with his/her relatives by asking them about themselves! They’ll be talking non-stop like a machine gun. Just nod your head in approval and listen, in case they ask for your opinion.

6) Lastly, Be Yourself

So cliche but so true!

You shouldn’t claim to be knowledgable about American or Chinese politics just because your partner’s father is.

He’ll see through your lies and lack of knowledge in no time. Better to keep quiet and nod your head than speak and show you’re a fool.

Let your own personality and interest shine through instead.

Wrapping up!

Chinese New Year can be a great opportunity to meet the future in-laws because everyone’s cheerful and happy.

Image Credits: Cucas

While certain traditions should be adhered to and certain actions should be avoided, do not let them intimidate you. Grab a pair of oranges and put on a smile while you take your relationship to the next level and meet the parents.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is meeting your parents, don’t forget to share this with them.

Also, read Torikin: Where You Can Indulge In A Uni Hotpot Brimming With Seafood